English language 繁體中文網頁 momgod.com private policy:

momgod.com. respects your right to privacy. We understand the sensitive nature of privacy issues and the company takes measures to ensure that the confidentiality of our clients and web users is protected. momgod.com. does not distribute, sell, or rent any of the information collected about our website users or clients.
By using the momgod.com. site and services, you indicate your agreement to the collection and use of your information by momgod.com. as outlined in this privacy policy. Please note that this policy is subject to change and updates will be posted on this page when there has been a change, or a new service or product has been added to our offerings from time to time. We therefore encourage you to visit it periodically to review our practices and updates.

This policy applies to the collection, use, storage and disclosure of information by momgod.com.. It applies to momgod.com or to any site including either "momgod.com.," or "momgod.com" in its URL, and which includes a link to this privacy policy. The presence of the momgod.com. or momgod.com logo alone does not guarantee the applicability of this policy, as many of our clients run their own, wholly separate sites, and that have their own privacy policies.

Links to Other Sites
As a provider of advertising and publisher services, you will find various links on our sites and clients' sites, including but not limited to: Mamma Classifieds, Sponsored Listings, Mamma's Partners, sundry banners, pops, interstitials, etc. The sites these all link to are owned and maintained by independent companies, over which momgod.com. has no control, and who are not covered by this privacy policy. momgod.com. is not responsible or liable for the content of these sites, or their collection of information and its use. If you have any concerns about your privacy at one of these sites, please review their sites' policies or contact them directly.

Cookies & Web Beacons
Cookies and web beacons are small files that are downloaded to your computer, and that allow momgod.com. to collect aggregate statistical information. They are not in any way harmful to your computer, nor are they capable of personally identifying you. Rather, they are only capable of collecting anonymous information, and letting us know basic information about your visit.

COOKIES: A cookie is a small piece of data that is delivered to your computers' hard drive when you visit a site run by momgod.com., or that includes advertisements or search results served by us on another site. No personal information is stored within the cookie. It is an anonymous piece of data that simply identifies your computers' IP address by assigning it a unique number. It does not identify you, personally, but rather it identifies your computer as a "unique user."
By identifying your computer as a unique user, cookies let us know when you return to our site, or when you view the same advertisement repeatedly. In doing so, we can use the cookie to limit the number of times you see a particular advertisement, to avoid frustration. momgod.com. can also use the information stored in the cookie to serve more relevant advertising to your computer. In a more general scope, cookies permit momgod.com. to gauge the reach of an advertising campaign, the number of times an advertisement or search result is displayed, searched for or clicked on, how often a unique user visits our sites or partners' sites, and how they're interacting with them. Overall, cookies permit us to track user trends, preferences and patterns.
You can choose to accept or refuse cookies by changing the settings of your browser. Or, you can opt to be warned before a cookie is deposited on your computer. It should be noted, however, that some features or services offered by momgod.com. might not work properly if cookies are turned off. You can also choose to periodically delete cookies from your computers' hard drive, clearing out all historical data that may have been saved from your previous web surfing. If you delete cookies, you will not be recognized as a repeat visitor or viewer when returning to a site, or being exposed to advertisements.
WEB BEACONS: Web beacons, also known as web bugs or pixel tags are tiny 1x1 pixel GIFs (Graphical Interchange Format) or images that are placed on some of momgod.com.' client websites, but are so tiny that you can't see them. Their purpose is to help measure and analyze the usage patterns visitors have on their website, and the effectiveness of the advertising campaigns that brought them there. In essence, web beacons tell us that an event has occurred, for instance that something was clicked upon, submitted or purchased, but it conveys no real details about that event, nor does it provide any personally identifiable information about the user that initiated it.
Information Collected
By using any of momgod.com. sites, or its clients' sites, you will be providing momgod.com. with certain limited anonymous information, based on your activities. This information can not be traced back to you, or matched up to personally identifying information in any way - it is completely anonymous, and will only be used in aggregate form with the information collected from other site visitors. Should you choose to correspond with, or participate in any of momgod.com.' services or products, however, you will be asked to provide personally identifiable information, in order that we may respond, or do business with you. Please see below for more details on the kinds of anonymous and identifiable information momgod.com. collects.
ANONYMOUS: When a user visits momgod.com., momgod.com, or one of its search or graphic ad publishers' sites, they leave a "trail" of electronic information, which is collected and stored on our servers. This information, often referred to as traffic, or click-stream, data is not personally identifiable nor is it possible to combine with any kind of identifiable information we may collect from you by other means (see Personally Identifiable Information, below). Rather, click-stream data consists of very limited and specific information about your computer, your browser, and its activities. For example: your computer's IP address, its operating system, the type and version of your browser, the date and time, the length of time spent on each page, search terms, results or advertisements clicked upon, and referral data.
This anonymous information is used to monitor our traffic and servers, as well as to screen for fraudulent behavior or abnormalities. It is also used to compile statistics and perform research by analyzing it in aggregate form, which in turn helps us to improve our services and offerings to both users of our sites and services.
PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION: In certain limited circumstances, momgod.com. may gain access to your personally identifiable information. This information is made available to momgod.com. voluntarily, when a user or potential client specifically and knowingly provides it to us, in order to correspond with us, or to receive a service they've requested.
1. Correspondence: When a site user or potential client gives comments, questions, information requests, or feedback to momgod.com. by phone, mail, or email (either directly or through one of our online forms) and includes an email address and/or contact information, momgod.com. will use this information in order to respond. The contact information provided, however, is not stored in any kind of database. It is only maintained as a record of past correspondence, either in the responders' files or sent items in their email software.
2. Special Offers: When you participate in special offers, contests, or surveys, the collection of contact information is often required for registration, and for winner notification. In some instances, these are co-sponsored and so your information will be shared with that particular partner.
Please note, that some contests or services advertised on or through momgod.com., by either search or graphic advertisers, may require personal contact information in order to enter or register. This information is not shared with momgod.com., and these advertisers are not covered by this privacy policy (please see Links to Other Sites, above) although they may adhere to their own similar policies.
3. Registration/Application for Services: Advertisers or site owners who wish to advertise through momgod.com. or join the momgod.com. search or graphic ad publisher network will be requested to provide personally identifiable and financial information in order to participate in these programs. The collection of this information is part of regular business practices and is necessary in order to complete transactions and properly run and administer these services. Should anyone be uncomfortable providing this information to momgod.com., they can choose not to participate.

Information collected during the registration or application processes, include: company name, name, email, physical address, and phone number. Advertisers may also be asked to provide credit card information in order to process and authorize payments to momgod.com. for services rendered, and publishers may be asked to provide either their Social Security Number or Federal Tax ID Number in order to receive payments for impressions or clicks delivered on their sites. Overall, personally identifiable information of momgod.com. clients is used for administrative needs, to maintain account information, and to process billing and payments.

Unsolicited Contact & Communication
momgod.com. will not sell, rent, or disclose any of the contact information we have collected from you to third parties, except as described in this document (see Special Offers, above and Information Sharing, below).
We, however, may occasionally wish to communicate with our customers in order to provide them with information relevant to the services we provide or the management of their accounts. This might include newsletters, or notices of new services or offers from momgod.com. or selected partners that could be of interest. In addition, we will provide clients with their initial activation and welcome email, service and system updates, account and balance warnings, confirmation emails, and quality approval notifications.
As part of our service, our Customer Service Department routinely communicates with members by phone or email to respond to questions or issues relating to their account, or to offer optimization services. We may also solicit some of our clients from time to time, either online or by email, to participate in client surveys. Participation in these surveys is voluntary, and the information collected provides momgod.com. with valuable feedback on our services, which in turn, helps us to improve them.
momgod.com. respects your right to unsubscribe from our company offers and newsletters at any time. To do so, please contact our Customer Service Department. Please note, that this does not include status or confirmation emails related to your account activity.

Information Sharing
momgod.com. may share the information we gather from cookies, web beacons, survey respondents, etc., with advertisers, business partners, sponsors, and other selected third parties. This sharing of information is done only in an aggregate form for statistical purposes.
Your personally identifiable information, submitted during your registration or application, is shared only with third party companies who provide momgod.com. with administrative services required to conduct business with our clients and provide them with the services they have signed up for. Examples include: technical consultants; third-party credit card processing; credit checks; money transfers and auditing. Under no circumstances do these service partners or momgod.com. disclose any of your personally identifiable information, unless we are obligated to do so by law (due to a court order, subpoena, etc), or to protect momgod.com., our users, or the general public.
momgod.com. may identify some of our clients as current or past advertisers or publishers on gallery pages on the momgod.com. website. Identification of our clients will be in the form of their business identity, or brand, only.

Any data collected and stored on momgod.com.' servers is considered proprietary and confidential, and is not available to the public. We have security measures in place to help protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of user and customer data under our control. As data security is constantly evolving, we cannot guarantee that loss, misuse or alteration of the data will not occur, but will do our utmost to prevent against any such occurrences.

Clients' personally identifiable information is password protected and restricted within our organization to employees that need access to this information in order to correspond with you, operate the website or a particular service.

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